Canada’s Alcatraz for First Nations Children

Photo circa 1947 of Kuper Island Industrial School

160 unmarked graves found on Kuper Island. An isolated island north of Saltspring Island, BC. These graves hold the bones of children who never made it home.

This is what Truth looks like..

On June 17, 2021, Union Bay Improvement District Board passed a resolution to urge all governments to bring the children home. As an elected member of a local government we owe a duty of care for all the children still buried and lie in unmarked graves, in every province.

The 215 children found in Kamloops, died, while in the care of the Canadian government, at school. Parents were forced to send their children to these schools against their will.

All Indian Residential schools were operated by both Catholic and Protestant churches with government funding. These church organizations and the Province of BC still hold documents which may help in identifying these children and all the others who are still missing and unaccounted for.

How does a Community Heal?

We are all responsible for our conduct and will be judged accordingly. Trustees are held to a higher standard.

Former Union Bay Trustees, including Rick Bitten, Glenn Loxam, Ted Haraldson and Peter Jacques, repeatedly excluded public from meetings, verbally abused and harassed several landowners and trustees. Made false public accusations, without evidence against several landowners. Suspended a trustee (myself), without cause. Last but not least misled the public regarding total cost of Water Treatment Plant and borrowing costs.